Initializing libevl

When initializing, the core EVL library undertakes the following steps once for any given application process:

  • it sets up the specific bits for the CPU architecture, which boils down to resolving the address of the vDSO for the current process.

  • it locks the current and future process memory by a call to mlockall(2), so that we won’t get page faults due to on-demand memory schemes such as the copy-on-write technique.

  • it connects to the EVL core running in kernel space, performing a few sanity checks such as making sure the core can handle the ABI the application will use later on to issue EVL system calls.

  • it initializes a couple of built-in proxy streams, such as the one evl_printf() needs to send zero-latency output to stdout from the out-of-band context.

All these actions are performed once by a bootstrap routine named evl_init(), which may be either called explicitly by the application code - usually at startup on behalf of the main() thread - or indirectly as a result of invoking evl_attach_self() for the first time. Threads put aside, any attempt to create other EVL objects before evl_init() has run leads to the -ENXIO error.

Explicit initialization from the main() entry point

	#include <error.h>
	#include <evl/evl.h>

	int main(int argc, char *const argv[])
		int ret;

		ret = evl_init();
		if (ret)
			error(1, -ret, "evl_init() failed");
		return 0;

Indirect initialization via evl_attach_self()

	#include <sys/types.h>
	#include <unistd.h>
	#include <error.h>
  	#include <evl/thread.h>

	int main(int argc, char *const argv[])
		int efd;

		efd = evl_attach_self("me-with-pid:%d", getpid());
		if (efd < 0)
			error(1, -efd, "evl_attach_self() failed");
		return 0;

Startup-time services

int evl_init(void)

This function boostraps the EVL services for the current process as explained in the introduction. Only the first call to this routine applies, subsequent calls to evl_init() are silently ignored, returning the status code of the initial call.

On success, this service returns zero. Otherwise, a negated error code is returned:

  • -EPERM The caller is not allowed to lock memory via a call to mlockall(2). Since memory locking is a requirement for running EVL threads, no joy.

  • -ENOMEM No memory available, whether the kernel could not lock down all of the calling process’s virtual address space into RAM, or some other reason related to some process or driver eating way too much virtual or physical memory. You may start panicking.

  • -ENOSYS The EVL core is not enabled in the running kernel.

  • -ENOEXEC The EVL core in the running kernel exports a different ABI level than the ABI requires. To fix this error, you need to rebuild against the UAPI exported by the EVL core running on the target system.

Last modified: Mon, 14 Oct 2024 12:11:22 +0200