Using libevl

What is an “EVL application process”?

An EVL application process is composed of one or more EVL threads, running along with any number of regular POSIX threads.

  • an EVL thread is initially a plain regular POSIX thread spawned by a call to pthread_create(3) or the main() context which has issued the evl_attach_self() system call. This service binds the caller to the EVL core, which enables it to invoke the real-time, ultra-low latency services the latter delivers.

  • once attached, such thread may call EVL core services, until it detaches from the core by a call to evl_detach_self(), or exits, whichever comes first.

  • whenever an EVL thread has to meet real-time requirements, it must rely on the services provided by libevl exclusively. If such a thread invokes a common C library service while in the middle of a time-critical code, the EVL core does keep the system safe by transparently demoting the caller to in-band context. However, the calling thread would loose any real-time guarantee in the process, meaning that unwanted jitter would happen.

To sum up, the lifetime of an EVL application usually looks like this:

  1. When a new process initializes, a regular thread - often the main() one - invokes routines from the C library in order to get common resources, like opening files, allocating memory buffers and so on. At some point later on, this thread calls evl_attach_self() in order to bind itself to the EVL core, which in turn allows it to create other EVL objects (e.g. evl_create_mutex(), evl_create_event(), evl_create_xbuf()). If the application needs more EVL threads, it simply spawns additional POSIX threads using pthread_create(3), then ensures those threads bind themselves to the core with a call to evl_attach_self().

  2. Each EVL thread runs its time-critical work loop, only calling EVL services which operate from the out-of-band context, therefore guaranteeing bounded, ultra-low latency. The pivotal EVL service from such loop has to be a blocking call, waiting for the next real-time event to process. For instance, such call could be evl_wait_flags(), evl_get_sem(), evl_poll(), oob_read() and so on.

  3. Eventually, EVL threads may call common C library services in order to cleanup/unwind the application context when their time-critical loop is over and time has come to exit.

This page is an index of all EVL system calls available to applications, which should help you finding out which call is legit from which context. In order to use the ultra-low latency EVL services, you need to link your application code against the libevl library which provides the EVL system call wrappers.

Is libevl a replacement for my favourite C library? (glibc, musl, uClibc etc.)

NO, not even remotely. This is a drop-in complement to the common C library and NPTL support you may be using, which enables your thread(s) of choice to be scheduled with ultra-low latency guarantee by the EVL core. As it should be clear now from the above section, you may - and actually have to - use a combination of these libraries into a single application, but you must do this in a way that ensures your time-critical code only relies on either:

  • libevl’s well-defined set of low-latency services which operate from the out-of-band context.

  • a (very) small subset of the common C library which is known not to depend on regular in-band kernel services. In other words, only routines which do not issue common Linux system calls directly or indirectly are fine in a time-critical execution context. For instance, routines from the string(3) section may be fine in a time-critical code, like strcpy(3), memcpy(3) and friends. At the opposite, any routine which may directly or indirectly invoke malloc(3) must be banned from your time-critical code, which includes stdio(3) routines, or C++ default constructors which rely on the standard memory allocator.

Outside of those time-critical sections which require the EVL core to guarantee ultra-low latency scheduling for your application threads, your code may happily call whatever service from whatever C library.

What about multi-process applications?

libevl does not impose any policy regarding how you might want to organize your application over multiple processes. However, the design and implementation of the interface to the EVL core makes sharing EVL resources between processes a fairly simple task. EVL elements can be made visible as common devices, such as threads, mutexes, events, semaphores. Therefore, every element you may want to share can be exported to the device file system, based on a visibility attribute mentioned at creation time.

In addition, EVL provides a couple of additional features which come in handy for sharing data between processes:

  • a general memory-sharing mechanism based on the file proxy, which is used as an anchor point for memory-mappable devices.

  • the Observable element which gives your application a built-in support for implementing the observer design pattern among one or more processes transparently.

How to build an EVL-based application?

This is plain simple: in short, you just need to point your compiler at the installation root of the EVL header files (e.g -I$prefix/include), then link the executable against (e.g. -L$prefix/lib -levl). There is no other dependency beyond the common one on the POSIX native threading library. In other words, an EVL-based application is not more than a common application which may talk to the EVL core via the libevl API.

As a result, integration of this build process with any build system is a no-brainer. Speaking of which, since libevl r29, Xenomai 4 uses the meson build system to generate its own artefacts. You may want to consider meson if you are looking for an elegant, well-documented and lightweight build system which makes things easy for you. Typically, a basic file which would define the rules for building a simple application foo composed of a single file foo.c could look like this:

project('a_foo_system', [ 'c' ], version : '0.0.0')

pthread_dep = dependency('threads')
libevl_dep = dependency('evl', method : 'pkg-config')

    install: true,
    dependencies : [ libevl_dep, pthread_dep ],

Once installed, libevl comes with pkgconfig meta-data, so determining which include directories and libraries should be used to build an EVL-based application amounts to asking the pkgconfig utility to retrieve them. meson has built-in support for this.

Visibility: public and private elements

As hinted earlier, EVL elements created by the user API can be either publically visible to other processes, or private to the process which creates them. This is a choice you make at creation time, by passing the proper visibility attribute to any of the evl_create_*() system calls, either EVL_CLONE_PUBLIC or EVL_CLONE_PRIVATE.

A public element is represented in the /dev/evl hierarchy by a device file, which is visible to any process. Once a file descriptor is available from opening such file, it can be used to send requests to the element it refers to.

Conversely, a private element has no presence in the /dev/evl hierarchy. Only the process which created such element receives a file descriptor referring to it, directly from the creation call.

The /dev/evl device file hierarchy

Because of its everything-is-a-file mantra, EVL exports a number of device files in the /dev/evl hierarchy, which lives in the DEVTMPFS file system. Each device file either represents an active public element, or a special command device used internally by libevl.

In opening a public element device, an application receives a file descriptor which can be used to submit requests to the underlying element. For instance, the scheduling parameters of a thread running in process A could be changed by a thread running in process B by a call to evl_set_schedattr() using the proper file descriptor.

Element device files are organized in directories, one for each element class: clock, monitor, proxy, thread, cross-buffer and observable; general command devices appear at the top level, such as control, poll and trace:

~ # cd /dev/evl
/dev/evl # ls -l
total 0
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            80 Jan  1  1970 clock
crw-rw----    1 root     root      246,   0 Jan  1  1970 control
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            60 Apr 18 17:38 monitor
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            60 Apr 18 17:38 observable
crw-rw----    1 root     root      246,   3 Jan  1  1970 poll
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            60 Apr 18 17:38 proxy
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            60 Apr 18 17:38 thread
crw-rw----    1 root     root      246,   6 Jan  1  1970 trace
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            60 Apr 18 17:38 xbuf

Inside each class directory, the live public elements of that class are visible, in addition to the special clone command device. For the curious, the role of this special device is documented in the under-the-hood section.

/dev/evl/thread # ls -l
total 0
crw-rw----    1 root     root      246,   1 Jan  1  1970 clone
crw-rw----    1 root     root      244,   0 Apr 19 10:45 timer-responder:2562

Managing access permissions to EVL device files

In some situations, you may want to restrict access to EVL devices files present in the /dev/evl file hierarchy to a particular user or group of users. Because a kernel device object is associated to each live EVL element in the system, you can attach rules to UDEV events generated for public EVL elements or special command devices appearing in the /dev/evl file hierarchy, in order to set up their ownership and access permissions at creation time.

First of all, you need to set proper ownership to the /dev/evl/control device, which is accessed by libevl for requesting basic services to the core, such as attaching the calling process to it.

For public elements which come and go dynamically, EVL enforces a simple rule internally to set the initial user and group ownership of any element device file, which is to inherit it from the clone device file of the class it belongs to. For instance, if you set the ownership of the /dev/evl/thread/clone device file via some UDEV rule to square.wheel, all public EVL threads will belong at creation time to user square, group wheel.

Element names

Every evl_create_*() call which creates a new element, along with evl_attach_thread() accepts a printf-like format string to generate the element name. A common way of generating unique names is to include the calling process’s pid somewhere into the format string, so that you may start multiple instances of the same application without running into naming conflicts. The requirement for a unique name does not depend on the visibility attribute: distinct elements must have distinct names, regardless of their visibility. For instance:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <evl/thread.h>

	 ret = evl_attach_self("a-private-thread:%d", getpid());

~# ls -l /dev/evl/thread
total 0
crw-rw----    1 root     root      248,   1 Apr 17 11:59 clone

The generated name is used to create a /sysfs attribute directory exporting the state information about the element. For public elements, a device file is created with the same name in the /dev/evl hierarchy, for accessing the element via the open(2) system call. Therefore, a name must contain only valid characters in the context of a file name.

As a shorthand, libevl forces in the EVL_CLONE_PUBLIC visibility attribute whenever the element name passed to the system call starts with a slash ‘/’ character, in which case this leading character will be skipped to form the actual element name:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <evl/thread.h>

	 ret = evl_attach_self("/a-publically-visible-thread:%d", getpid());

~# ls -l /dev/evl/thread
total 0
crw-rw----    1 root     root      248,   1 Apr 17 11:59 clone
crw-rw----    1 root     root      246,   0 Apr 17 11:59 a-publically-visible-thread

Note that when found, such shorthand overrides the EVL_CLONE_PRIVATE visibility attribute which might have been mentioned in the creation flags for the same call. The slash character is invalid in any other part of the element name, although it would be silently remapped to a placeholder for private elements without leading to an API error.

Last modified: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 11:25:12 +0200